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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  November 2, 2012 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> we get here for 40 5:00 a.m. there was only handful of people. it continues to grow. they all have the ipad already. this is pretty much a want not so much a need. people say it's cute, i get tired of losing my ipad. let's talk to some people in line. excuse me? how long have been waiting in line?
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>> i have our --1/2 hour >> to have an ipad already? >> yes. >> ye need another ipad >> because small is better and he carried around. >> how are you doing? >> coulgood >> there is a man in line that says is by and the black and white one. if you want more than one you have to get back in line after you purchase it. >> about 50 to 55 minutes from now will see those doors open and get that ipad mini.
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>> the neighborhood assistance corp. of america is offering mortgage relief. 8:00 this morning that open their doors at the san jose convention center free of charge this nonprofit group will help you renegotiate your lawn. and of lots of people negotiate same day solutions. sometimes they can get people's rates reduced by a thousand dollars a month. it is at 8:00 this morning at in san jose at last of the weekend. >> nearby to take a break but first let's take a look outside. here's the golden gate bridge and it looks fantastic but it is a local out there to be ready when you leave the door this morning.
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[ female announcer ] nature exists on the grandest scale... ♪ ...and in the tiniest details. ♪ and sometimes both. nature valley granola thins pack the big taste of granola and dark chocolate into one perfect square, under 100 calories. nature valley granola thins. nature at its most delicious.
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>> the u.s. environmental protection say-die in kia overestimated their gas mileage on their vehicles for the past three years. both companies say they're sorry for the errors and that they will reimburse customers for the difference between the mileage figure that came in and the actual mileage figure. they blame it on procedural mistakes. most of the models will be reduced one or 2 mi. per gallon. kia and high are
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owned by the same company and say their plan to reimburse the people that bought the cars on last three, three years and the united states. it is expected to cost the company millions of dollars. >> and the poll this morning shows increasing support for ending california's death penalty. the initiative will be on tuesday's ballot. 42 percent support prop 34 which would in death penalty and support life in prison. 38 percent said they opposed the proposition and nearly one and five are still undecided. the poll found a majority of people found out that it cost more to it execute then keep them in jail. >> voters have the choice to choose between two tax measures. one of the
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initiatives property is supported by governor brown and used his appearance for the commonwealth club in san francisco yesterday for that temporary tax increase. >> money into schools and colleges into the california dream are out. and are out, yes are no, on our off there is no middle way. >> most of the audience in to support prop 30 but is by no means a sure thing. the current poll shows that support has dropped over time. there is still a chance property could pass the competing measures prop. 38 and that is in big trouble. the poll finds that 34 percent support that proposition and 49 percent oppose it 17 percent are undecided. we're down to just a few days before a decision 2012 and the big election. we'll have nonstop coverage starting tuesday at 8:00 p.m. until after the polls close. we'll have the
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results in the reactions here on kron4. you can also check our web site and facebook and twitter pages. >> whereby to take a break, a live look outside from our south bay camera. this is the san jose camera the 1 01 and 87 interchange and traffic is still moving this and 87 interchange and traff[ male announcer ] this citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up -- the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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>> uc-berkeley will be hosting a friday night football game. at memorial stadium it will be fun to watch but it will be a nightmare around the stadium. jackie sissel is out there live with what we can expect. >> as does say this is really unusual this is the fourth one they've ever had memorial stadium. they spent hundreds of millions of dollars to renovate memorial stadium but what they did an ipanot added was parking. you can see the signs of already warning people of the game that starts at 6:00 against the university of washington on friday night.
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that is right at the peak of commute time and everyone is going to be trying to park and they're warning people that they're going to be double parking fines and the fact. if you do not need to drive take mass transit. that is what they're asking people to do. there will be all kinds of free shuttles. here is a list of shuttles you can take from around the berkeley area. the downtown bus station the berkeley marina the amtrak marina and even golden gate fields. there be a thousand parking spots available on a first- come first-served basis. there warning people that this traffic is probably gone to start sometime around 3:00. people start pouring into the stadium around the area and that coincides with friday commute times around the stadium. there warning people there of the long delays, be patient. once again full parking enforcement will be in effect and there'll be a double fein's own. signs
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start at $72. --fines. it's friday night in their plan university of washington. it's the first friday night game that cal has ever had. >> we're talking about the traffic in the stadium how about the traffic this morning? >> it is been fairly quiet as far as accidents. we have not had any major problems so far, hopefully will stay that way. there's a look at traffic approaching the bay bridge toll plaza. the lights are on heading into the city. the good news is that on the stretch as far back as a was grant over cross. east on 80 of yourself extra time getting into the city but it is not too bad overall. the west on ride as from hayward to foster city is looking all right. in 22 minutes drive
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time from about to san francisco. the nimitz freeway has been picking up some slow traffic but you can see is moving less than 50 mi. an hour. it's pretty much stop and go as you consintinue southbound. it is just your typical commute traffic but drive time has actually decrease. we're down to 40 minutes as you work your way towards pleasanton. for those of the heading north on 1 01 not a san jose toward sunny hill and 280 there's just a little the slow traffic. overall still looking good. traffic in the north bay is getting busy and 1 01 south. there's about 41 minutes drive time as you work your way out of santa rosa to george nevada. -- towards at
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nevada >> we are dealing with really dense fog in the city. it is up the north bay aureus thing locally dense fog especially in the valleys. we have seen improvement from a vial santa rosa and visibility is about half a mile there. the rest of the bay area looks pretty good but fog tracker 4-show holding on to some lingering cloud cover into the 9:00 hour. by lunchtime will see partial clearing, mostly sunny shot skies around the bay area. sunshine and high clouds with a little bit more clout cover situated along the coast. right now is chilly out the door with forties' for santa rosa in napa the layout is 42 degrees. 44 in oakland 50 in redwood city has begun to the afternoon cooler conditions that were used to the pleasant and
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mild weather with upper 60s and los pitas and santa clara seven is on tap for mountain view. east bay has '70s for fare from livermore walnut creek 66 in san leandro. these days are short line mid to upper 60s here. downtown san francisco's relatively chilly at 64 degrees and 64 adding ocean beach. the cal game later tonight against washington kickoff is at 6:00 p.m. temperatures in the upper 50s so certainly bring a jacket. the seven there on the bay forecast as mild weather into the weekend with a little bit of a warm-up as we start the next workweek. thursday we're looking like a chance for showers especially in the north bay. >> police in the family of a popular small business owner in oakland are searching for the man who killed him. the victim this year-old
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wilbur partly was locking up the cell phones store when he was attacked. he was a die-hard oakland raiders fan and a reliable telephone salesman who also made special arrangements for financially struggling customers to pay their bills. the family and friends are wondering why it happened. >> my father was an amazing man. he did things he did not have to do. he did things for people that he did nafta them for. he did them without question, without reason he just did it. he gave continuously without a second thought. if he thought it was going to help you and any way he would do that. if someone could take his life for money or what ever we still don't even know what it was. we need to know.
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>> wilbur bartley is now oakland's 108th homicide this year. please our office offering a $15,000 reward. as crime continues to grow in oakland the number of officers continued to fall. a dozen officers reported for their first shift. they will lead us this thing the police department and sore need of help. they've been under staff for a while. they'll be working out there on patrol cars in designated areas throughout the city. >> keep in mind these areas are designated by the command staff of the oakland police department personnel as they evaluate crime statistics within the city of oakland. >> the officers will be to respond to a variety of current calls from berkeley to domestic battery and a time is not been set yet for
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how long the operation last. >> new details this morning on how much that world series celebration and parade cost. and how much it cost the taxpayers. the city says they spent about a hundred thousand dollars may be little more on this valuable the public safety and cleanup costs. there was some overtime for paramedics and that sort of thing. they say the city has a budget for big events like this. the salmon's is the giants organization kicked and $1 million. the cleanup was no small feat. the city cleared 21 t of debris after wednesday's parade. that is on top of the 17 t of junk and damage and everything that had to be cleaned up after the world series when last sunday. this is a the public works department has been very busy. they said they've been
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able to keep costs down because they change the worker schedules to avoid a lot of excess overtime. the city also use of volunteers for some of the work. run to the rain of the highlights from the parade and celebration once again tonight at 9:00 on march 24th 7 news channel and are highlights special on kron4 sunday night at 7:00 p.m.. we will be right back.
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nasa's last eight shuttle is moving 10 mi. down the street from the kennedy space center to the final home at the kennedy space center visitors' complex. you can sit on the move in this video. a new display hall had been built for atlantis. it rises more than a hundred feet in the air on a 4 a. site. the shuttle will appear to fly in orbit. the likely have a proper and angle of 43.21 degrees which if you read those numbers for three to one the knesset, countdown for a launch. pretty clever. >> will be back in just a few minutes but first let's take a look outside. from our james lick cam in san francisco traffic looks good. we will be right back.
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>> you can see it's trying to get a little sunny in san francisco. we will see some sunshine this weekend to. >> that's right as we head into next week we can actually bring some records. we-to climb into the mid '80s. right now be careful we have been fog and the north bay impacting the valleys. we should see clearing right around 10:00 this morning. into the afternoon a cooler fat forecast and storm the temperatures in the upper 60s the '70s. into tomorrows sunny and warmer conditions. what is the next chance for rain? i'll answer that in my next report. >> overall traffic is not too bad. we have some slowing backing up on to the 880 over crossing towards west brand. the good news is that does not stretch into
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the open maze. 15 to 20 minutes drive time of oakland to seven cisco. overall not too bad the this is the slowest bridge commute for the bay area this morning. no major hot spots out there unless on 580 is a little slow knowledge you work your way to berkeley heading into the oakland a's. and if trouble side on the lafayette site emergency crews run out to a and accident. when the car is went into a tree. 50 mi. an hour drive down and down >> in new york city crews are working round-the-clock to get subway tracks clear following hurricane sandy. most every open this morning to help with the morning rush hour the they're still not a hundred percent just yet. new york's metropolitan transportation authority
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releases video of water being pumped out of the south ferry subway station in manhattan. here is the underground shot johnny better conditions that they're working man. for some thursdays commute into manhattan from the oroughs tookt was a nightmare to say the least. there are plenty of gasoline there's not enough gas look to get to the stations. in new jersey drivers facing another day of long lines to get whatever passes at the gas stations before they get supplies again. this is city of new york last night. aaa estimates 60 percent of the stations and new jersey are shut down right now. relief is slowly on the way. ports and terminals in connecticut rhode island and pennsylvania remained open. portions of the pipeline are expected to open today. part
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of the long lines stems from panic buying and any price rise that were seeing right now should be temporary. >> panic buying? is that which you call people going crazy for the ipad mini? it goes on sale apple stores 8:00 this morning. they say the three orders online are sold out. that could take you to a three weeks which means a lot of people are up early and in line trying to get a hold of one of these. kron4 as will tran does this from the apple store and palo alto. >> barry is there is the finish line the practice is waiting for them to get their hands on it. they have been waiting for 67 hours in the cold. almost there the apple employees, dozens of them ready to make this sale. 360 this $660 depending on the data plan.
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how are you holding up? >> not bad. pretty a coffee coming the employees have been pretty cool about that. >> you're buying two hour you holding up? >> two white ones. >> why two? >> they're more popular for with the win and one for my wife and one for my daughter. >> and they said don't come home unless she comes the ipad? >> correct. >> there maybe 70 people here and demand that we spoke to earlier some people got here as early as 10:00 last night. they're getting their coupons to save their spots. this apple store is not say how many many ipad say have the we will just have to wait and see if they run out or not. people are anxious as well like when am i going to get it or not? they say no, it we just go as we go along. this is not
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the only store lines cheers video that we shot a little earlier from the san francisco store. you would think that the samper says those are rapine the people there because it's obviously a very popular place and union square. we only see maybe six or seven people on line at that location. and truly coming down as well. they don't want to wait that two or three weeks. once they get their hands on at their fingertips may be too cold. >> if you would think that they were giving away. these people are lining up to send between $350 to three on $650. that might you think they would get a discount but apple does not roll like that. >> you will get it and this is the price. all their apple products it does not matter what it is, this is a prize in people as flock to
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it. if you ask them if they just have to get their hands on it. they already have ipad spell. the reason i want to many ipad is because they can put in the pocket. that is the only difference. i guess for them size really does matter. >> i wonder if it's worth it court? >> they took apart the ipad mini and they discovered a samsung display driver chip. apple is using victory in screen technology. this is by adding caourts. we had jumped in the number of americans hired last month as u.s. and players at a hundred and 71,000 jobs in october. all sell the number of jobs in october
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was revised. it was hired in fact 45,000 more than estimated last month. the employment rate jumped from the work force and counted as unemployed again. from hiring stamper we did see an increase. we will see how this plays in tuesday's election. >> the hunt continues this morning for the arsonist torched the san francisco muni bus after the san francisco giants win last sunday. the videos says koppers were caught in the act of setting the bus on fire. police when this video ago viral and hope that some will recognize the suspects into the mood is. the images or released. investigators are trying to track down whenever evidence may come about. social media
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has helped police and the past and that is how gregory grant asked was arrested for is the smashing of the windshield of that bus. less than 24 hours after the police post his picture in mind he was identified. they also need help in identifying the person that by the lee attacked me station agent. the committee on the screen. the night of october 10th a bicyclist ignored the station agent who's tried to tell him not to go to the pay date with his bicycle. he jumped over the railing and the agent followed and as one the bicyclist started kicking and punching the aged leaving with serious injuries. he is not been able to return to work since the attack. >> we will be back with more and a couple minutes to be going on friday morning and kron4 news. i live look here at the san mateo bridge and it looks like we have less company on the sluggish drive this morning. we will be right back.
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>> floodwaters in washington say are leading drivers with an unusual sight on the road. take a look at these terms salmon. they swim hundreds of miles the season of the flood waters head and forced the salmon to go off course. now they have to navigate through farmland and up and over the roadways. wallace is making it easier to catch them for dinner, that seems unfair. air is filled with salmon are not going to get stranded once the flood waters recede. the flood waters go down and then you have all these fish lying around in the field. >> problems problems everywhere. if you miss the parade for the giants celebration we have every run for you of the special commercials rebroadcasted we've been having all week for you. and also will broadcast again on sunday with our main channel
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kron4. say you're too low or ddi to record that and you kron4. say you're too low or ddi to record that and you have it. will be back with makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car.
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mother nature's cool like that. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. >> retired about the weather because you're looking at cold temperatures right now. we're looking for warm-up coming this weekend. >> happy friday t do. it you could see this guy starting to brighten -- sky iies
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you can see visibility is down to 04 naso 1 01 at 37. pretense of a mile for santa rosa. for those of you committing their nap but give yourself a little extra time to be careful on the roadways. the fog should start to subside as we head into 10:00 this morning. temperatures are chilly with everyone in the same boat. 44 now bought and concord san francisco coming in at 54 degrees and future cast four predicts were this numbers go in the afternoon 3:00 p.m.. 60s and some of our seven days for some of
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our inland communities. and 2:08 p.m. call the blue on the screen in the case temperatures in the '50s. friday night without croplands keep the jacket candy. all the cloud cover the sunshine will not have the opportunity heat things up around the bay. expect upper 60s south 64 mountain view 68 for sunnyvale. los 60s for fairfield antioch and walnut creek. 67 for now bought out in palo lama downtown san francisco is relatively cool at 64 degrees. 67 slated for the layout -- the layou plenty of sunshine as we head into the weekend. the next workweek could break some records in the north
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bay. tuesday's voting day expect the warmest weather with upper 70's are around the bay and low seventies for the coast. chance for showers as we head into next thursday. >> we have a couple of hot spots now with public transit transit in san francisco. muni delays the montgomery street station close there is a person on the track. that is all the information we have. avoid montgomery if you can. the montgomery station for muni only as temporary closed. we will continue the update user of this newscast. the east bay has a problem check the traffic map there's an accident westbound 94 and lafayette. is in the clearing stages but still blocking the two middle lanes. three cars were involved and traffic is moving less than 25 mi. per hour. it is slowly backing
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up on the highway to 42. give yourself extra time this morning. concord their pleasant hill towards walnut creek. the nimitz freeway/slow traffic here and on both sides. stop and go traffic between 92 and 84. we had an earlier stall on the mountain view side northbound 1 01 that is out of the way to take a look at what the weather has done to your ride on 1 01. you're backed up their mt. view beyond to 37 and then to san jose. another slow spot for you and it was just a stall the quickly backed up your ride. kenyan the sampras's coach traffic is starting to loosen up just a little bit. the have the lights on but it is still sloes toward less brand as well. stop and go right across the upper deck. you can hop on the san mateo bridge that is moving better with the drive time had about 15 minutes. the
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ride across the going is still my since moved across the span put slow traffic on the 1 01 as you work your way southbound out of nevada towards and rebel. >> (laughter) >> have you seen these pictures of sergio romo as the picture becomes people -- picture bomb? >> they call it rameau about being --romo bombing
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>> they were funny and we have the numbers on the parade. they spent a million dollars on the parade. >> who's been to million? >> the giants did. the city said we didn't do that. >> ito's before that when teams won a championship especially the superable ones i'm positive of what happened is you end up having to do all these extra enhance honoring your team -- the events that what i know it may be a little thing and it's >> this team should write a check to the school system. i don't know what was thousands and tens of
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thousands of dollars from all the kids to cut school. mated giants credit there is a $30,000 tracker something -- shaq check or something >> the deal, those guys is that all were they doing? my daughter said half of her class wasn't there. they all went to the parade. >> ally the thing about this year pretty practical guide. why much but most courts are now who cares? you know with going on and york is devastation right. in new york and new jersey they're people with no power and no shelter no water the whole bit and yet
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what it called off the basketball home of order with the next >> and was the debut of the new brooklyn place >> but the show goes on for football by the way and the steelers actually have no where to stay so they're going to have to fly in play the game and flat out. there was a picture a eli manning and he's been through katrina and everything and he showed if people this uppe... this is a new york think? >> they said he was in new jersey >> that shows the flag and a fax players like this and -- a feffects
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>> i don't care how much money you have heard don't have when you see your property in that condition... >> de run the new york city marathon? they are the go ahead with the marathon. they have generators and powers and south and it just seems a little weird. >> your question was so long that they are restarted the music. let me answer really quick 1989 i learned a lesson in the had the earthquake. i was the one who said there's no way to resume the world series. this is not the right time for this there are people still under the cyprus piano. but then a guy tell me and said listen this shows our resiliency. will get back and show the nation how strong we are. for all the people who say wehere and se
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can do this. in new york the show does go on and new yorkers will respond lot of law that's another way to look at it. >> that is the mayors are you in a nutshell. thanks a lot gary we will be right back
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and now we're minutes away from the ipad mini going on sale in apple stores around the country. we'll go live to one with kron4 as will tran in just a minute.
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>> just in there has been a death reported at san francisco's muni montgomery matra station. it has just been reported. it happened around 725 this morning with in the last half hour. i
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death at the muni station there. at the medical examiner's office has been called to the scene. muni metro service has been shut down at that montgomery station just 10 minutes ago. they just said that shut down the muni there. officials have not been able to provide us with any more information about this death. this is just breaking and we just getting word this morning and kron4 news. >> the ipad mini is going on sale in apple stores this morning. will tran is on the scene. >> this open up about 20 seconds ago and there's a stampede heading into the store. some people got here as early as midnight last night so they definitely earn the right to pay $360 to $660 for the many ipad. you can see they're getting applause probably one of the only few times in the lives of that people on either side laughing at them. if i
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was apple i'd be clapping to with the money that they're gonna get today. millions of on-line in millions probably sold today. if you don't do your hands on a date and ordered on line that will take two to three weeks. they're walking into their lawn chairs. it was cold overnight as well as 49 to 52 degrees in palo alto. not as busy in san francisco this seems to be a place that has been busy as as far as the peninsula is concerned. one common denominator among many of these people is that they already have ipad. the reason and what many ipad is because the many ipad will fit into their pockets. they could easily lose as a coffee shop or walk around with it in a backpack. you are supposed to go in there all the sudden i cut you off the city have to wait? >> that really have anything
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to say. >> are you excited about this? this'll be $360 at least. i cite taken a picture this is as a lifetime, for you? >> yes i always buy apple this is pretty exciting. >> let me guess you are ready at an ipad right? >> i have two of them >> usually when you buy a television monitor not smaller right? >> this is all lot more portable for me. i use all the time and a nighttime i wanna go out and i care my ipad. it is lighter and smaller so it's easier to carry around. >> they will have smaller products and a little bit lighter than their wallets because of the limit here is to ipad. if you get back in line you can buy again.
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>> this morning we have a market update for you as we take a look and the dow was off by 52 points. the new jobs report fresh out this morning shows employers added 171,000 jobs last month. the nation's unemployment rate went up slightly. the labor party and the reports the jobless rate inched up 7.9% in october from 7.8% in september. the number of americans hired an august and september went up board showing that we're gradually gaining momentum after a brought virtually stalling in the spring. >> we'll start off with delays and muni. police are still at the montgomery street station investigating a fatality. those of you traveling on muni this morning want to avoid montgomery and there's no service so you have to stick
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with the powell street station until further notice. the montgomery street station in san francisco is closed due to a fatality. we have reporter on the way and we will keep you updated as we receive more information. traffic heading in the stamford cisco, a huge improvement here. traffic has been out nicely. we're getting more revenue accident on the palo alto side no. 1 01 and embarcadero. this involves a down of motorcyclist with two lanes blocked. give yourself extra time for your ride and northbound 1 01. >> downtown san francisco looks fine. we do not have any fog to contend with there. that is are for the north bay we are contending with locally dense fog and some of our valleys. temperatures on the cooler side between five and 15 degrees cooler compared jury yesterday. we will see
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sunshine and blue skies into the afternoon with temperatures in the upper sixties to low 70's. chilly start in san jose 49 there and 49 in oakland. concord and at 48 degrees i will break down their temperatures neighborhood by neighborhood with a look at that we can forecast coming up in my next report. >> i developing story in the wake of super storm sandia people how they're affected and the tough realities for those along the east coast. last count 98 people had been killed by this storm nationwide. this morning there are still 4.1 million people route 15 states that have no power. there also fuel storage shortages along the east coast with power out the cannot pump the gas out. that has been a problem as people that are trying to get gas in either containers
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or in long lines in cars that stretch for miles and hours. we have estimates of how much the storm cost over all. the losses economic losses from sandy could be about $50 billion. that would be the storm the fourth costliest catastrophe in the united states history. >> a new poll shows increasing support for in california's death penalty. 45 percent of likely voters are supporting brought 34 in the the death penalty to in favor of life in prison even for people who are on death row. 38 percent opposed the proposition and one and fiber still undecided. the majority of voters believe the death penalty cost the state more than a life sentence. how best to save california schools? voters have the chance to slide between two tax measures brought 30 is supported by jerry brown governor to stop for the
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temporary tax increase. >> schools and colleges and the california dream or out. and are out. yes or no, on our off there is no way. >> property is by no means assured things because support has dropped over time. there's still a chance property can pass. prop. 38 is a competing measure. bigger trouble the poll finds only three people are and% with 49 percent opposing and 17 percent still undecided. likely hockey will be coming up and about five minutes from now this coming tuesday just four days away starting at 8:00 we will have complete information on the proposition the presidential race and all the local elections. also there will be additional information on kron4 .com.
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>> we'll be back with more in a couple of minutes following some breaking news happening in san francisco. montgomery mini station has just closed within the last 15 or 20 minutes because of a dead man found on the tracks there. police are investigating and the station as close down. we have a live report on the way and we will have an update for you as soon as we get it. we will be right back.
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>> the u.s. environmental protection agency say-die in
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kiev over estimated there mileage numbers. the companies say they're sorry for the errors and the epa says the they will have to cut the gas milage estimate by 1 2 mi. per hour on speeds that model. kia and on higher on by the same company and a promise to pay the owners on 900,000 cars and as you be for them not difference in the mileage. the difference will be paid annually for as long as people on their cars. it will most likely cause the company hundreds of millions of dollars. >> the u.s. coast guard is looking into these cause of the sinking of the u.s. as bounty. it sank off the coast of north carolina earlier this week. one crew member was killed and the captain is still missing. 14 others were rescued by the coast guard. the ship started taking on water as
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hurricane sandy was hammering the east coast. the investigation is also looking into whether mechanical fehr are human negligence paid in part and that sinking. we'll be back with more in a couple of minutes and we will talk about the latest in the jerry sandusky penn state case. also the controversy separating proper is i 36. we will be right back.
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>> when a lot of legal headlines to talk about this week. >> we will start within state university with charges against a president who resigned the same day that we saw the firing of joe paterno and balding the sex abuse on campus. looks like there's some serious charges here. >> they are and it's about time kind of thing. what ever profession is in this case college coaches you will find child molesters which is most disturbing to me as being a prosecutor for so many years as one higher- ups' cover up for it. when ashley facilitate its look and go on and on as the catching this guy. the president in high university
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officials who knew about it and cover it up and because of that lots of kids got molested. >> why did it take so long to bring charges? >>uy and what an evil by denying all saying the kids are all liars. you have to get that conviction first and put it all together. as a little more complicated to take down hire up to themselves want molesters. becky's in philadelphia a monsignor moved around and he got convicted for not turning these guys and. >> is probably difficult to prove cases like this? >> and the past it would of been but now people are so many revolted by the crime that institutions that the guy can not molest one tidbit 101520 people have had it. these guys are in big trouble >> the election coming up and people know they're
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voting on. prop. 36, tell us about that >> the st. three strikes' measure was for serious repeat offenders 25 years to life on your third strike. are the problem is that according to some people in my as various as a prosecutor the third offense under the current law could be any felony. was a felony? if you commit petty theft crime and convicted of that petty theft of a prior conviction that is a felony and you could go to prison for 25 alive. this stake is so broken has so little money we are locking up 8000 people have of who are convicted of nonthreatening announce serious third strikes. for stealing just a bike or having a small drug possession you should not be going to jail for that. the third strike should be for something big enough with this proposition is about. >> the prop 34 the death penalty initial --
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initiatives claims that the cost more with all legal challenges with people that have been imprisoned for life. >> with both of these yet politicians is very difficult to go to make crimes less serious. they're saying hey let's do away with the death penalty it's not effective let's not lock up every third striker. efforts to knock down the death penalty have failed. people were in favor of it said it here expensive and it takes 20 to 25 years to get somebody to the death chair. is that really justice to make somebody wait 25 years to see if there get overturned on the road? >> this apparently would repeal all the death penalty convictions with the people who were convicted while the law was in place. >> that's over close down the death chamber and everyone gets locked up forever. look at scott peterson, i cover that casey's been in prison how long so far 78 years. you
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think he's gonna get executed the next two, five, 10 years? for 20 years the mother of that victim waits for him to die. it cost a bunch of money even to lead to overturn a lot of these convictions. >> we're moving on to breaking news more affirmation about the death at the muni station. >> we're falling than that latest year in the newsroom the montgomery mini station reported this morning with firefighters is on this morning about 730. sampras is the police confirm the body was dead on arrival they founded on the track. is not clear what the nature of the death was. that is far the investigation this morning. the new service has shut down at that station. service is being turned around in both directions at montgomery station. that will cause problems for your commute. kron4 has a crew on the way and we'll have more
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for you momentarily. >> the montgomery street station is closed with cruise investigating the fatality. you cannot go to bars on the mad bomber station just upstairs. bart. the investigation still underway and no word as to when the montgomery station will open. it is closed until further notice because of the fatality and we will keep you updated as we receive more information. i one-on-one through palo alto is jammed up in both directions. the motorcycle crashed on no. 1 01 morgan expressway is just that motorcycle spun out of the two metal legs are long blocked in both directions. as the market rise softbound it will be stop and go. motorcycle crashed
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at 1 01 more north morgan expressway. accident and was down 24 lafayette has finally cleared from the two middle lanes. look at what it is an gear 680 commute traffic is backed up on the southbound side all way on to to 42. that is one of the spots really give yourself lots of extra time this morning. >> downtown san francisco has a bright start to the morning but it is chilly. there is some fog right now on the north bay. satellite and radar start to tell the story and we do have a cold front. is pushing a from the pacific northwest and experiencing cool air in the bay area and dense fog and valleys. but the golden gate bridge at the sta of visibility is down to zero. give yourself extra time. at 10 mi. of visibility everywhere else with relatively clear conditions. fog tracker 47
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for 9:00 stowe expends of cloud cover but into the afternoon it will start to clear up. blue skies sunshine and high clouds in the distance. temperatures in the '60s around the bay 64 for richmond 67 for oakland and for hayward for it was city comes in at 70 degrees low seventies for fairfield and antioch and for those of you going to memorial stadium later on tonight the bear's face off against washington. kickoff is at 6:00 in the plan is to go down to memorial stadium so everyone wear yellow. maybe a yellow jacket to be cooler with temperatures in the upper 50s. the seven there on the bay shows mild conditions fairweather persistence of the weekend's and we could break somewhat records and the high 80s as we start the next work week. we have another round of wet weather beginning next thursday. we'll is sacred quick break but we will be
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right back.
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the oakland police are offering a $15,000 reward for information about the killing of a popular small business owner. 50 year old wilbur barkley was locking up the cell phones store and international boulevard and he was attacked. he was described as a diehard oakland raiders fan and a digreat self home salesman. his death leaves
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family and friends wondering why. he is the 108th homicide this year. >> how much of the giants for a cost taxpayers? the taxpayers, the city spent about a hundred thousand dollars and that covered the public safety aspects and cleanup costs. the final bill could go up because that's a factor the price for overtime because paramedics had to be paid and maybe some police officers. the city says it is all part of the budget and they have that set aside for special events like this. the giants organization paid $1 million of their money for that parade and celebration. we'll bring you all the highlights from that big day, the celebration of the world series to the san francisco giants tonight at
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9:00 on kron4247 news channel. on sunday channel four on kron4 we have a one hour highlight special at 7:00 p.m.. we will be right back. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents
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fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers
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add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. we're breaking news at montgomery muni station in san francisco man was found dead on the tracks. >> any idea how long the body had been there or who found it? >> it was about 745 we got a report that someone had been walking in between montgomery and the park is there a station on the catwalk. as the pact apparently were the contact was made. we're working
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with the police department and the fire department to find out what took place. will tran to get this thing cleared as soon as possible so we can start service backed up. >> so this person was hit by muni trying? >> yes there was a collision between this train and this person. >> is there any way this could have been a worker? they have access to that area? >> they do have access to that area they're not supposed to be there. is barricaded off the and this particular situation someone did walk along the catwalk in between montgomery and embarcadero. >> the station is closed right now will remain closed? >> the subway for embarcadero to west portal is on hold the they will start service as soon as possible. >> are you hoping just to get the trains running
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through? >> the service we're providing is as many buses as possible to help supplement service. at this point we are working to just clear the scene as soon as possible to get some service and a subway going. >> what are you telling your customers are now as far as what kind of the lace expect? >> right now and the subway there are extremely long delays because nothing is moving. we are trying to keep service somewhat of a service moving on the surface. we're able to do that with a bus bridge as well. >> we will keep track of the delays and the effect on passengers and air-traffic center. >> let's talk about some of your alternates for folks that a try to get out through the financial district. you can go
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upstairs and how on bart that is a good alternate for you. service is on hold between embarcadero and the west portal station. also the f line you can use that as an alternate. you have to do that until further notice because the station shut down as the investigation continues. you once again you can hop on the f line or hop on art and they will accept your ticket. the store freeway is getting busy with stopping go as you work your way out of the san paolo area. the good news is your backup has cleared up at the bay bridge toll plaza with a good ride in dissevered cisco. a motorcycle crash on the out palo alto site on the 1 01 is finally clear and northbound and southbound traffic is all jammed up. it is gonna be stop and go beyond 84 and it loosens up by the time you reach the mountain view side. the opposite direction northbound ride as slow
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coming out of san jose well before the accident. still stopping go so give yourself some extra time. >> we're seeing plenty of sunshine on around the bay area. the valleys and in particular are where we're seeing some dense fog. cool conditions into the afternoon will be relatively mild with temperatures in the upper 60s the '70s. sunny and warm conditions on tap for tomorrow and fair weather for the rest of the weekend. starting next work week we will round record- breaking numbers. some locations will climb into the mid '80s but out the door right now is cold's of rabid jacket. i will show you what's in store for the afternoon coming up in my next report. >> the ipad mini went on sale a half-hour ago. the first sales of the apple store with three orders on line with those sold out so you have to wait two or three weeks to ship. using
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those historic if you are well yard have to be in line. will tran is live at the store in palo alto. kenny walker of now's the too late? >> you can, people waited as long as 1030 last night. the store's wide open and people were inside playing with the products. you need to come here if you have a bad day because where else can you walk down with two lines on either side giving you applause thinking you're a superstar. it is a great day for these people because they waited in line like brad hear the first deadline for the right to plop down $3,000. >> i had to go with too many is that with a black-and- white ipad mini. the fourth generation ipad is there also cited go before generation to see how fast that chip is and how amazing it is. it is unbelievable the sort of things you can do with this thing. it fits right in the palm of your
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hand. one single hand rotated and there you go. >> the way you talk about the apple products i better not see that apple tried walking around the lab coat or something. >> ono wouldn't do it. you won't see me walking around this and all because as soon as i get home and goes into the kids' hands. there's all sorts of emmons entertainment on this and you will be allowed get away from them. >> you have an ipad why is it so important for you get your hands on an ipad mini ipad? >> they brought the screen from as as an keep it sends the contended on one hand but when you go sideways even slipping right into the pocket right there. now on handsfree. now i want accidently set a downer for get somewhere. when i needed is right there and ready to go. >> when you get a flat screen my big screen out a smaller screen >> we have the big screens at home and we need dumb. we of the small screens to. i
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have pockets everywhere. you have a screen for every occasion. >> can i come over a little bit later play with it? >> absolutely you're invited, no. i did get two of them. i'm carrying sharing kind of guy. >> you know he couldn't get to? >> y >> because he could decide whether naughty one of the white one of the black one. >> and he demonstrates high- tech stuff for people. that is his job right? >> you make it look so easy and i asked him what about the knucklehead like me and i could barely turn on the computer? >> was amazing about this is if you give an ipad to a small child you do not have to give them an instruction manual. they could read it anyway. these are playing with it may figure out. this is good for kids as well as scientists. >> when i was a kid i will
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have 99¢ hot wheels. >> i have the edges debts. >> someone was hit and killed on the tracks and in muni this morning at the montgomery station. the stations closed right now we're getting word from art that muni writers with a valid muni ticket can enter bahr and embarcadero stations and ride for free until further notice. we'll go live on the scene and get an update with jackie sissel as we get more information about this person that was hit and killed on the tracks this morning. you disgust me.
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prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out.
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among breaking news at 7 cisco the montgomery street muni station was closed this morning. emergency crews are outside the it station as they investigated death that happen on the tracks. a man at 745 was walking along the catwalk. you are not close the in that area but he did, fell down and was struck by a muni trend around 7:45 a.m.. they shut down the station and there is a hole between embarcadero and west portal. they're recommending you use bart and they will honor your ticket on street level. until further notice there are big delays because of this and have set up a
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bus bridge but you'll want to look for an alternate route. >> also the latest on the election with just four days ago. political analyst michael yankee will be up right after the break. -- yaqui
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>> this morning in san for cisco muni metro train has struck and killed someone on the tracks of the montgomery station. the station has been shut down. >> park as in step in and for anyone who can't take me . what can folks do? >> you can enter part thathe bat system with your ticket. if you travel further you have to pay the prorated amount for that distance. >> de think that is quicker than doing a bus?
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>> for many people barred as a quicker way to go in downtown san francisco. the trains are 95 percent of the time on time. >> a thing special free trains are just regular schedule times? >> regularly scheduled times. >> a guy gets into an area that is not scilicet access to falls off the catwalk and stuck by me train and working with our culture that you can kind of see how something like that can happen. it is supposed to be off limits but people can do this and it ends in a deadly situation. >> the tracks are not a safe environment for anything other than a bart train. we have a thousand votes electricity coursing through the third rail. that is why we have the yellow strips on the platform to make sure people stay behind those. is just not safe to get near the tracks. you want to just get on your training go on your way.
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>> in this case muni dealing with someone who did not do that fell off the catwalk and one on to the track and was struck by a train. >> and jim allison not peproviding information. >> decision to play 12 we are four days away now from the election. voters in california will be weighing in on the presidential election but also high profile propositions on the ballot. >> let's start with the presidential election. we can't take a look here and see what we saw on the last election the west in the northeast and obama as camp. california and new york new england states and the nation's midsection we're seeing a lot of delegates for taxes going for mitt romney. there's a lot of
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great area especially pennsylvania ohio and florida. pennsylvania seems again present obama is corner >> i think all the polls will be tightening up. and the case of pennsylvania the numbers still are not looking really good for romney. >> lot of my left over and a lot of ads to pull because a hurricane. you can only put so many ads. john mccain did the same thing with sarah palin at the end of the last campaign. at a sort of the campaign is that do that are in a little bit of desperation of. there can expand that because they're looking for something to get something extra. >> it does seem a lot more difficult for met romney to reach to 70 than it does for present obama. >> if you look at the delegate totals present obama needs 34 more out of
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the 85 they're out there. that basically means at the as ohio and wisconsin all he basically needs it is if you won virginia a would be over. he basically needs 10 more delegates. that accommodation of colorado + one or i a lot and nevada. that equals the magic to 70. romney has a much higher bar to clear. he basically has to almost round the table of the swing states. florida colorado early budding is turning his way he has some good markers but without ohio and without wisconsin it becomes a very tough road for him. this will all be about get out and vote for the last two days. >> house is looking for proposition 30? -- how is it t >> you have to look at 32 is
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the anti-union initiative. you cannot isolate the two. the reason i say that is because the amount of money divided between those two campaigns a summer around hundred and $50 million being spent between the two campaigns. yes sir no on either side. prop 30 i think that. it is a depends on the democratic turnout. if the people but no on 32 which is the house will be primarily supportive of this. that has a chance. turnout candy and exit to route 3 points but it is still went to be one of those nail biters when they start turning in the absentees. 32 is interesting because if you look at it on its face those kind of
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things easily would never have a chance in california. especially if the democrats and unions all get together to start working on it. yet to ask yourself why is it on the ballot? ec two things happening all the union money is going to defeat it all the union personnel are going to defeat it. what does that mean? they can't be used anywhere else. it can't be in that that a cat in colorado that money is not is a very smart play to pin down california's resources. >> it's interesting you brought this whole idea of propositions. it's interesting that the voters get to choose and decide on things that the legislator would do in other states. is this so the idea for california? >> basically the
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they said wait a minute people may voice too. -- need a voice when you look at the one about driver insurance, also tried to figure out what the heck that meant. if you look of the death penalty won the three strikes the 37 which is genetic food issue is very complicated and people say that the legislature should draft that. >> he brought up 37 sold iron that one out for me? they want have meet label genetically modified stuff i'm not even sure it is that organic food or franken food? >> the campaign against it is doing a very good job of
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making those questions. any proposition or there is uncertainty that answer is always gonna be no. they spent months and $40 million and a very good job of getting people and nobel prize winners who ever to say it's as good this is congested that. the question is how we define genetic engineering? someone who sits in the backyard and splices this thing and creates something like a plot. is that genetic engineering? >> you're saying if i go to the ball and i'm confused just vote no? >> the titles sort of make it and they sound good to have a chance of making it through. who ever >> who ever thought of
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putting together a plum and apricot was a genius.
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>> update on our breaking story at a san francisco than muni station on montgomery street is closed. you can see the fire rescue the lights flashing and they're investigating a death on the track. 7:45 a.m. on man walking on a catwalk you are not allowed in that area fell and was struck by many train. >> a look from above on montgomery street people are being told to ride bart. they will honor your muni ticket. you can take the after rally as well -- half trollf trolley
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we will be back in a minute. ♪
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[ male announcer ] it's one thing... to have created an icon and quite another to have done it generation after generation. to the long line of legendary mercedes-benz sl roadsters... ♪ the 2013 sl.
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>> here is a video from down below. this accident occurred around 7:30 a.m. this morning when they found a man lying on the tracks. the medical examiner left the scene but the station remains closed. this is a scene out here right now. teachi they do have access to this area and they are not supposed to be there. this
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area is barricaded off and is seems as if this person walked past a marked area. they have no idea how long the muni will be closed. emergency responders are still in the tunnel and as soon as we get more information will pass it on to you. teachi what they do have a bus system set up and you can use the bus that they have set up for passengers and then you can get on city streets to access this. you can take bart and it will honor your muni pass only between embarcadero and if
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you are traveling be on this spot you will have to pay the difference. you have a couple of options and the best bet is for you to avoid using the mmuni. >> we will continue to situatios the right now lot of people are just using the board instead. teachi there are mostly sunny conditions outside right now. we are expecting a cool afternoon and as for tomorrow and will be sunny and warmer. it will be quiet for the next few days. we do have rain chances for the work week. teach it is non 9 of 3:00 a.m.. >> i caught many went on
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sale today. gabe slate is at an apple store this morning. >> and i have been here since 7:00 a.m. this morning and when i arrived here there were only about 10 people in line. then it became 30 to 45 people. will tran was at a another store and he said that they had about 60 people in line. there is not a line right now and you can just walk right man and pickup one. i remember in march that there were long lines in march and people are just trying to figure out what this device is. a lot of people that i saw were very excited
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because they were the first ones to have it. i was very surprised that the lines were short as that work. >> this is the first device that apple was out ground- breaking carry i. we are seeing where apple is introducing an item that is already a similar to something that is already out. teac the line as long gone and people are able to just walk through and they are testing the item. i tried to get information because people were worried whether or not
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they would run out. they stated that at this particular time they do still have enough in stock. there was a rumor run around the they don't have the black ipad but they do have both colors available. you would just have to come down a person to find out if because if you call on the phone that will not tell you whether not with which color is in or which color is out. keep in mind that you can only buy too many ipad at a time and they will tell you that you'll have to come back later to buy more. teac
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there is a lot of competition and if i order minds on-line i may have to wait a while. teach a man was struck and killed by a muni train. we will have more on this breaking story when we continue.
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>> welcome back is now 9:09 a.m.. last count there are 98 people who have been killed by the storm in the united states. this morning there are still about 4.1 million people without power throughout 15 states. reports of fuel shortage is also on the east coast. people are waiting in line with their cars and gas cans to fill up. they are looking at the overall toll and how much it will cost and the economic losses. it could tutotal up to $50 million. this may be the worst disaster that we have had in
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history. teach the dow is now down by 38. the u.s. environmental protection agency stated that kind die and kia over estimated the mileage for their vehicles. they are making these companies show the lowest mileage numbers. both companies apologized for the error and that they will have to cut the-down. they will have to cut the mileage estimates down to about 6 mi. per minute. that promise that that will pay the owners $900,000 and that these payments will have to be made annually as long as these people own their vehicles. >> we will be right back as we get a update on the man
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that was struck and killed at a muni station.
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teac >> this muni station and shut down because the man was struck and killed on the tracks this morning inside of the station. about 7:45
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a.m. this morning and he went past the barriers and he fell off the cat walk onto the tracks and he was struck and killed. this station is shut down while they investigate this death. many writers who are able to hop on board to as an alternative. teac >> everything so far is still the same because they're continuing to investigate this fatal accident. they still have it closed down in both directions from west portal and the embarcadero. there is a shuttle set up upstairs on city streets and you can use this. the f line runs along market street and this will give you--you can hop on board and they will honor your muni ticket only from between--if you are traveling beyond these points you will have to pay an additional amount. they
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did not have any word yet when this will be back open but we will continue to keep you updated. >> with your wide on--there is still stop and go traffic as you go to berkeley. the good news is that there is no backups. highway 6 a was a crashed about two hours ag680 had a crash earlier but it has not cleared up. for those of you heading to downtown oakland it is starting to loosen up. it is mostly heavy near the colosseum. we had a motorcycle crash about an hour ago on the papaulo
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palo alto site. teac >> we deal with the force and then sulk as for tomorrow wtake a look at satelle and radar it shows a system that will stay out of our way--temperature is right now are warming up to about 50 degrees. we're still at dealing with areas of light visibility. just above a
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quarter mile. you would like to be extra careful and give yourself extra time. it looks like it will be mostly '60s and '70s for the lower areas. on your screen as you head out the temperature should--it will be 70 degrees for lost battles and sunnyvale. as we take a look at our 7 day around the bay will continue to warmer as we head into the weekend and next workweek. there is a chance for showers for next week. teachi >> a monthly jobs report that came out this morning shows that u.s. employers have added more jobs and this is 45,000 more jobs
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than what they expected. the unemployment rate did- stashed the number of america's hired in august and september was revised and the job market is gradually making gains. the u.s. economy added-- >> take a look at what the north east is dealing with in the wake of sandy. if people arepeople in new york are standing in long lines to get gas. these lines are lasting four hours because they are struggling to get enough gas for what they needed for. for their cars and their generators. some gas stations are shut down because they just have no power so they're not able to pump the gas. aaa estimated
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that 50 percent of the gas stations in new jersey are shut down and drivers are very frustrated. >> i came all the way from and it took me about three hours to get here to find out there's no gas. >> this is just a shame of what is happening. >> relief is very slow to come and ports and tunnels in these areas are open but the two key pipelines are expected to open back up and this should help. this is panic and they stated that any price should be just short term. >> nasa's last shuttle is
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still moving 10 mi. down the street from the kennedy space center. they have the special area exhibit that is being built for the atlantis. is it for anchor site and it is a hundred million dollars. this is the last time that you will ever see this emotion but it is not that specia-- >> will be right back as kron 4 news continue.
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>> oakland police are
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offering an award for any affirmation on the murder of a small-business owner. he was locking up his store on international boulevard when he was attacked. he was described as a good salesman and a die-hard oakland raiders fan. his murder leads his friends and families wondering why did this happen. this is the 180th murder this year. >> kron continues to growth and the officers that are available continues to drop. a dozen chp officers reported to the station for their first shift and their assistance is surely needed. the chp will work from their cars in designated areas
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brought the city >> these areas are designated by the command staff of oakland police department and they will evaluate crime for the city of oakland. >> they will respond to a variety of calls from burglaries to domestic violence. they stated that they do not know how long this will last. >> the giants victory parade cost taxpayers a hundred thousand dollars. the final bill might be slightly higher once they put then other factors. the giants organization kicked in about a million dollars of their own money to cover some of the festivities. >> we will be airing a rebroadcast of the parade and you can catch this tonight at 9:00 p.m. on
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comcast channel 193. there was also the one hour special at 7:00 p.m. on sunday. >> we will have the latest on the muni accident that happened this morning. this was at the montgomery street station. this has shut down the station and we will have more details in a few minutes. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin.
9:28 am
here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. brings light and fragrance together, to create a mesmerizing experience in your home. try the new color changing candle. something in the air wick.
9:29 am
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>> good morning emergency vehicles remained out here at the montgomery station and here is a video that i shot a few minutes ago. you can see that the muni metro is closed between embarcadero and church and castro. apparently about 7:38 a.m. this morning someone was walking on the catwalk in the tunnel and was struck and killed by train. they shut down the entire system. we had a chance to talk with paul the muni spokesperson about the impact of this one riders and the morning commute. >> this up right now is running minimally and this is impacting a letter writers. this makes a huge
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impact on our committee. the investigation is still going on and no reason is given to why he was on the tracks in the first place. >> they will be looking to test how he ended up down here and how he was caught lee struck. we're being told that the train was full of passengers when this happens and they were able to get to the montgomery station and unload all of them. there are small towboat bumultiple buses set upy still do not know how long this muni will be closed. >> we're talking about this hot spot and how it is say inconvenience. passengers have so many options that
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we're not seen so many delays. you can hop over to the f line and you can use bart and it will honor your muni ticket. they do have shuttles that are operating and you do have several options this morning and if you are near the muni than just pay attention and there is no word as to whether not the montgomery station will remain close. >> everything else has privilege cleared out we're just having delays with the muni only. >> we are seeing plenty of sunshine outside right now. as we head into tomorrow and the weekend will warm-up and it would change as we head into midweek for next week.
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we will cool down and there will be a chance of showers. >> we are talking about the new apple ipad many. kron 4 4's will tran is out and he has the news. >> it feels like black friday because we have people here spending money and they are smiling. this is what is going on due to the manini ipad. we saw maybe about 40 to 50 people waiting in the coal but once they open the doors ever was able to get and get out. we saw people spend as much as $3,000. they do still
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have inventories but the company's relations person would not answer the question for me. there was a woman going around this they had sold out the white many ipad but said they will not tell you whether or not is sold out. they just will not answer this question they are stating that the customer's will just have to come down and taken a leave happy or leave frustrated. >> the you ipad already sir? >> yes. >> i wanted to get this one because it is smaller. >> did you ever lose your ipad? >> no.
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>> congratulations sir for spending all of that money. these are running from about $300 to about $360. and >> this spring is a little lighter and is easier to hold. i already have one and i just wanted this one. by m. a. macke, apple fan boy so i like their products. >> keep in mind that if they still have inventory they are only allowing people to buy only two were you cannot be by another one later on. you would just have to wait. i do not see anyone leaving
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upset so based on that they must do have a mature. >> it's crazy that people are going to buy a new one and they already have one. >> it is a lot of money and if you talk to these people that is where that it is not a once but a need. i guess they do not mind. >> will take a break and we will have more on the weather when we return.
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>> many peoplecoast are still sg to get supplies after the super storm sandy. >> four days after super
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storm sandy tempers are running very high. >> we are going to die. >> this woman was towing a neighborhood of staten island. this is the worst thing that i have seen and it is just killing me. new new yorkers are still facing--he stated that there may be consequences for the electric companies who did not have any thing to handle something like this. unfortunately just what all the other utility companies we are trying to recover and try to get everybody as quick as we can. in new jersey the line for gas stretched for miles. some of them are just returning
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home and they're just get a glimpse of what happens. >> store is a tragedy is emerging. two boys were swept from their mothers' arms adorn the storm. a firefighter and was killed when he was struck by a tree. >> in memory of those that we lost we have to make sure that we build as quickly as we can and as safely as we can. we do need to make sure that we can have a future for the people that are left behind. >> later on today homeland security and sima will tore the hardest hit areas of new jersey. >> it is 9:41 a.m. and will be back in eight minutes. we will be right back.
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>> hi you are watching kron 4 urs 24-hour news. a man was fatally struck by a muni station this morning train thist is allowing many writers with ballot tickets to ride for free between bob ballpark and the-session the northeast is continuing to recover after hurricane sandy. about 98 people have been killed due to the storm. there are reports of fuel shortages as well. this storm caused about-test
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sandy may total a $50 million loss and this is the fourth costliest catastrophe in the u.s.. >> investigators have cell phone video that shows people in the act will damage that was. that would like for this bill to go by road so that the suspects can be recognized. they stated that they do have tips on their twitter feet and that he was arrested for smashing the windows. an anonymous tip came man less than 24 hours ago. the oakland community this acknowledging the death of a store owner who was killed. to a makeshift memorial is
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outside of the store to honor him and committee member said that he was a good hearted man and he was always willing to help people of the committee. the ipad mini is on sale today and the sales were very disappointing. the online and the sales were very disappo[ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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>> here is a list of the locations for you can get a free shuttle of the game. >> let's talk more on the traffic and how you could get around. >> the only major trouble spot is the san francisco is on the muni. let's take a look at the map and this is the way that you will have to make your way around this. there is no service from west portal and the embarcadero station. you do have several options that you can take and you can hop on the shuttle or you can hop on bart and they will
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honor your muni pass. there's no word on to win the will have this investigation wrapped up and cleared. you should give yourself a lot of time. >> a huge improvement compared to what we saw this morning. there are no slowdowns. you are still isn't a free and it is still about a 40 minute drive time. the golden gate bridge coming out of north bay is still live in there are no problems here. your ride on westbound 80 is still sluggish and is set--we still have some slow traffic for those headed out of south bay on northbound 1
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01. as you can see as you work your way out of san jose a there is an accident here. >> on southbound 101 is recovering from an earlier motorcycle crashed. >> here is a view from our cam and we are dealing with some fall outsideog outside. asr your temperature it is now in the mid 50s in san francisco. about 54 degrees in oakland and the same for --we are seeing a weakening cold front coming from the north. this test of bringing
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in the cool air and we are expected to stay dry today as well listen to the weekend. the visibility is still low and it is improving at livermore valley. as for that after no one of into the '60s and '70s and those of you who are headed now later on this evening it will be in the low 50s. upper 60's for sunnyvale and a few more 70 degrees and fairfield and livermore. as for downtown san francisco will be about 64 degrees. it will be the upper 60's for the north bay. we will continue to warm as we head into the weekend and your work with will get back into the 80s and then mid-70s expected and will pull down as we
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head to commit week and there will be showers also. the time is now 945 a and. >> and vice president joe biden is attending a get- out-the-vote rally at a middle school in the area. >> we are going to award companies and--we have so many opportunities so we have to get the american people-cherishe-by now you have same-- >> this state is still considered on the key battleground states and it has received personal
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attention from both candidates. biden will head to colorado next and so will paul ryan. they will both be in colorado, letter on this evening. a reminder kron 4 will have extended coverage on tuesday and will started a o'clock p.m. and will have of this for you all throughout the night. we also have information updated on and our twitter and facebook page. >> 45 percent of voters promote proposition 40. one and five are undecided. most of them believe that the--
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the u.s. coast guard are trying to find a reason for the sinking. here is some of the photos and one crew member was killed and the captain is still missing. the ship started to take on water as hurricane sandy hammered these calls. if there were trying to sell around it and that will look into whether it was a mechanical faire or human negligence. >> still looking for something to do a run the bay area this weekend and the hall has information on a play. and >> the lion king is in san francisco and it will rob on to stage.
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>> the show will start november 1st and it will run through january 13th. it is recommended for children 6 and older. you can go to a lion >> tech fans will together at the tech museum. they can
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even bans on saturday from noon to 5:00 p.m.. >> there are open our studios and various areas. they will do working in studios and if you one information you can go on >>
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>> at 9:56 a.m.. we like to remind you that the giants career will be shown again tonight at 9:00 p.m. on compacomcast channel 193. will also have a special four hour on sunday at 7:00 p.m.. we added an hour was to show you all the best parts. we will show you this one more
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time so you can catch all the highlights from the parade. >> we will climb up into a degrees as we head into the weekend. to not forget about the extra hour this week and make sure the to roll your clocks back. will be an hour earlier on sunday. this is due to daylight savings time. >> we have a lot going on and we have friday night football and the raiders are planned on sunday and we do have a lot going on to keep you busy this weekend. >> this is set for this morning have a terrific weekend and we will meet you back here on monday at 5:00 a.m..
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